Michael Plöd - Team Topologies Advocate


Michael Plöd - Team Topologies Advocate

Michael is a Fellow at INNOQ, working as a consultant, coach, and trainer with over 20 years of experience. His current areas of focus include Domain-driven Design, Team Topologies, socio-technical architectures, and transforming IT delivery organizations towards collaboration and loosely coupled teams. Michael is the author of the book “Hands-on Domain-driven Design - by Example” on Leanpub, and the translator of the book Team Topologies into German for O’Reilly. He is also a regular speaker at national and international conferences.

Here is how you can reach him:

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Team Topologies Advocacy

Since 2020, Michael has been practicing Team Topologies, helping clients achieve fast flow in IT transformations and modernizations. He specializes in identifying team boundaries and establishing high-performing enabling teams. His strong background in Domain-driven Design helps shape team boundaries, establish collaboration, and dive deep into team interactions with context mapping.

Translations and Publications:

  • Translation of Team Topologies and the Remote Team Interactions workbook into German for O'Reilly: Team Topologies

Articles and Presentations:

  • Article: "Exploring Team and Service Relationships with Team Topologies and Context Maps" in the Team Topologies Mini Book "Finding Software Boundaries for Fast Flow - Team Topologies and Domain-Driven Design": Read Here

  • Presentation: "Transforming Ivory Tower Architecture to Enabling Teams" at Agile Meets Architecture 2023: Watch Here

  • Presentation: "Systems Thinking by Combining Team Topologies with Context Maps" at KanDDDinsky 2023: Watch Here



Anna Ciula - Team Topologies Advocate


Steve Pereira - Team Topologies Advocate