Payment and Contract Options

We’re keen to make it as smooth as possible for you to buy products and services from us. We have the following options to suit most organisations:

💳 1 - card payment (online)

You can pay online with a payment card:

  1. Pay either online at or via a dedicated payment link

  2. Choose to pay the full amount OR pay a deposit (useful for low-limit business payment cards).

  3. Receive immediate confirmation.

  4. Payment terms and other details are confirmed.

  5. A full invoice is prepared and sent within a few days.

📄 2 - Purchase Order (PO)

You can book and confirm work using a Purchase Order:

  1. Send a Purchase Order (PO) for the full amount of the cost of goods or services requested following email confirmation of availability.

  2. Payment terms and other details are confirmed.

  3. A full invoice is prepared and sent either within a few days or after the work is completed.

✍ 3 - Statement of Work (SOW)

You can book work by signing a Statement of Work (SOW):

  1. Review and sign a short Statement of Work (SOW) prepared by us.

  2. Payment terms and other details are confirmed.

  3. A full invoice is prepared and sent either within a few days or after the work is completed.

Contracting Entities

For live workshops, live training, talks, consulting and other live sessions, the contracting entity is: Team Topologies Ltd. Registered office: West One, 114 Wellington Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, LS1 1BA. Registered in England and Wales, number 13684580. VAT registration number GB393377361 | Registered with the ICO: ZB295074 | D-U-N-S Number: 228369888

For training courses on the Team Topologies Academy, the contracting entity is: FlowOnRails SL. Registered office: Avenida Planetario, 30, 4A, CP 28045, Madrid. VAT number: ESB42898205 | Commercial Register of Madrid; T 41512, F 1, H M 735575, I/A 1

Payment terms

Our payment terms are 30 days net. Alternative terms and conditions can be agreed on request.

All invoices must be paid by bank / wire transfer to the account details on the invoice.

Cancelation of sessions

At Team Topologies we value your time and ours, so once we have booked in group learning sessions with you we try to keep any date changes to a minimum. 

When the session dates are set up we reserve time exclusively to focus on your work and prepare for the sessions, so that we are ready to utilize the time effectively.

We understand that on occasion you may need to postpone a session at short notice, but we expect you can appreciate that repeated late postponement of sessions is operationally difficult for our business (and the world-class experts who run our sessions so successfully, all of whom have very busy schedules).

We therefore reserve the right to charge a rescheduling fee for any group learning session which is postponed or canceled by a customer with less than 14 business days notice. The rescheduling fee is priced at 50% of the price of the postponed/canceled session, and will be recovered via additional charges.  

We may waive the rescheduling fee in cases where we deem the request to be due to an unavoidable and unforeseen event (such as a natural disaster, an incident or emergency, or similar external event). 

How to rearrange your session

Should you need to rearrange any group learning sessions that are booked in, please ensure you give us as much notice as possible via email to and suggest some suitable alternative dates for the session. Sessions rescheduled more than 14 business days in advance do not incur rescheduling fees. 

Key terminology

Late postponement - A postponement that is made less than 14 business days before the scheduled session.

Group learning session - a live learning session (online or in-person) in the form of a workshop, Foundation course, insight session, or other semi-structured session for a cohort of people. 

Business day - any day in which normal business operations are conducted, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time and excludes weekends and public holidays.

Please contact our team if a you need a different contract or payment option.

Excluded industries and sectors

Note: we do not conduct business with organizations or departments involved in the following activities and markets:

  • Oil, gas, and other fossil fuels

  • Cryptocurrencies

  • Tobacco

  • Weapons