A place for like-minded enthusiast, thinkers, practitioners, leaders and change agents

Open and Free Area

The Team Topologies Community is a FREE and OPEN space to connect with peers and stay updated on ideas and practices for achieving fast value flow using Team Topologies, Agile, DevOps, Platform Engineering, DDD, and more.

What holds all of us together is the strong belief that there is a better and more humane way for designing modern team-of-teams organizations. A way which delivers high business impact without compromising the quality of life, the ability to build mastery, while providing for an inspiring environment for everyone.

What can I expect from the community?

The Team Topologies Community helps members with:

  • Connecting and discussing with practitioners, advocates, experts, authors.

  • Ideas on how to start with Team Topologies and how to build a business case for change.

  • Overcoming challenges in adopting and scaling Team Topologies in your organization.

  • Organizing community meetups, e.g. Fast Flow Meetup and AMAs with famous people from the community.

  • Receiving quality content and rapid updates on Team Topologies practices and developments.

What can the community expect from me?

The Team Topologies Community welcomes members that:

  • Are interested to tackle change by leveraging Team Topologies

  • Share from their experience and help the other members, while bettering themselves

  • Passionate people that want to contribute to evolving the key concepts laid down in the initial book

When does it launch and how do I get prompted to join?

The community launch will be in the summer of 2024.

Sign up to get notified.

Team Topologies Inner Circle

The Inner Circle is part of the community. It provides a space for practitioners and leaders to connect and collaborate on the evolution of Team Topologies. The Inner Circle is where new applications of the Team Topologies approach get discussed, born and shaped.

The Inner Circle requires special membership.

  • For some, it is an opportunity to contribute and get their name on a new (mini-)book, a prominent blog post that keeps making rounds on the Internet or a new practice at the intersection of different frameworks and methods. Those are born as part of the different workgroups.

  • For others, it is the best way to stay on top of the latest developments and be the first to adopt new practices and ideas. They can also discuss their challenges in adopting or scaling the Team Topologies approach with the world's most knowledgeable practitioners.

Workgroups - evolving the team topologies approach

The circle produces descriptive (rather than prescriptive) solutions allowing both leaders and practitioners to adopt a Team Topologies approach in various different domains, e.g. different industries (telcos, core banking, capital markets, energy, etc.), different contexts (embedded software, IoT, configurable software, cloud, AI/ML, etc.).

Who are the members of the Inner Circle

  • Agile Coaches

  • DevOps Coaches

  • Product Coaches

  • Architects

  • Platform leaders

  • Platform engineers

  • Lead/Principal Developers

Becoming an inner circle member

Membership in the inner circle can be gained in two ways:

  1. Complimentary - Team Topologies Advocates (free), Team Topologies Valued Practitioner (free), fully enabled members of a partner, members of team we work with at customers.

  2. Paid membership (300 EUR/year) - for practitioners, leaders and enthusiasts who want to join the knowledge network and leverage the wealth of applied knowledge in helping various organizations become more successful through adoption of Team Topologies approach.

IMPORTANT: We are NOT accepting new paid members for the moment. We will be opening up the circle for new members closer to Fast Flow Conf 2024 (Sep 2024).

Sign up for the waiting list below.