Organizing business and technology team-of-teams organizations for fast flow: book | training | consulting


Team Topologies Advocate program

Eduardo Matos - TTA

Eduardo Matos - Team Topologies Advocate

Eduardo Matos - Team Topologies Advocate

Eduardo is a Team Topologies Advocate based in Brazil and has been working within the Brazilian technology sector since 2004, for different companies, from small brazilian startups like Medicinia, Repassa, and GetNinjas - to larger companies - like, Creditas, Nubank, Will Bank, and iFood. Since 2015, Eduardo has been leading managers and ICs, and is always looking to apply new management and self-management principles and concepts while focusing on architecture topics like socio-technical systems, DDD, and Team Topologies. Eduardo is a firm believer in the product engineering mindset, with software engineers focused on delivering customer and business value.

When focusing on his advocacy about TT, Eduardo has been applying the concepts of cognitive load, Team topologies and their characteristics, communication patterns, and all the socio-technical aspects of software and people interactions. Eduardo has been publishing articles and videos about his experiences in applying and using the concepts on teams that he is leading, and how this improves their efficiency.

Eduardo is also doing talks and workshops about mapping business domains (using DDD tools like EventStorming) and creating structures, based on the TT concepts. In his work for the most recent companies, Eduardo is using an approach to mapping domains, classifying the complexity (based on TT domains classification - simple, complex, and complicated), shaping the teams using the TT domain heuristics, and finally, drawing the boundaries of these teams with all the information necessary to do that.

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