Chris Richardson - Team Topologies Advocate


Chris Richardson - Team Topologies Advocate

Chris Richardson is a developer and architect. He is the author of POJOs in Action and the founder of the original, an early Java PaaS for Amazon EC2.

Today, he is a recognized thought leader in microservices and speaks regularly at international conferences. Chris is the creator of, a pattern language for microservices, and is the author of the book Microservices Patterns. He provides microservices consulting and training to organizations that are adopting the microservice architecture and is working on his Eventuate, an open-source microservices collaboration platform. In his spare time, Chris enjoys cooking, good food and tennis.

You can reach him in the following ways:

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Team Topologies Advocacy

Quite some time ago, Chris recognized that in order to deliver software rapidly, frequently, and reliable, organizations needed what he called the success triangle. It's comprised of three elements: the microservice architecture; DevOps as defined by the DevOps handbook; and a structure consisting of a network of loosely coupled, cross functional teams.

He was excited when Team Topologies was published because it provides a valuable set of principles and patterns that clearly describe the organization element of the success triangle. Chris references Team topologies in almost all of his presentations and client engagements.

  • An article reinterpreting the success triangle using the concept of fast flow

  • A microservices talk that describes howTeam Topologies is an element of the success triangle

  • My new workshop Architecting for fast, sustainable flow: Enabling DevOps and Team Topologies thru architecture


Kim Nena Duggen - Team Topologies Advocate


Fabio Nudge Pereira - Team Topologies Advocate