Thorsten Speil - Team Topologies Advocate
Thorsten Speil - Team Topologies Advocate
Thorsten Speil is a protagonist of better ways of working - from Agile in its different forms to Team Topologies. Based in Germany, Thorsten is very happy about his active international network to exchange ideas, methods and experiences.
There were several „light bulb“ aspects in Team Topologies that made him reach out to Manuel Pais and Matthew Skelton and start actively recommending Team Topologies in his diverse training classes and writing posts on Team Topologies, mainly on LinkedIn.
Over the last 20 years, Thorsten has pursued organizational development, mainly in the utilities and the financial sector, advanced portfolio management and led projects and departments. Looking back, he often wishes he had known approaches like Team Topologies earlier, because they would have made for significantly more effective solutions. Well, you can help other people both through your successes as well as through what you learned from what didn’t work well. Thorsten’s aim is to utilize both in his work with clients to make it really valuable to them and their situation.
He likes how Team Topologies fits together with other approaches that he considers very helpful and important like Value Stream Networks/Lattices or DevOps. Also, after having regarded structural reorganizations as extremely destructive in most companies, Team Topologies gives something not found before elsewhere: plausible, sensible guardrails on how to arrange teams and their interactions in a productive way.
You can reach him in the following ways:
Team Topologies Advocacy
He also included and connected Team Topologies to Lean approaches like Value Stream Mapping in his talk at the Online Scrum Community event on April 03, 2024 (German): 62. Du kennst Agile. Du solltest Lean (wirklich) kennen. - Online Scrum Community