Applying Team Topologies in a remote-first world

Leeds, UK - 20 November 2023

Many businesses are now operating in a remote-first world. This, of course, brings benefits and challenges. Among them are the issues of understanding your organization design, knowing how suitable this is for your context, and knowing what interaction modes are used between teams and what should be used. 

With our partners at IT Revolution (publishers of Team Topologies), we recently launched a new Immersion Course: Team Topologies Remote and Hybrid Team Interactions. It addresses many of the challenges of today’s working environment.

Introducing the Team Topologies Remote and Hybrid Team Interactions Immersion Course

The purpose of the course is to help leaders and tech teams to clarify team interactions for fast flow, using simple sense-making approaches and tools. These include the team API, core interaction modes, team dependencies, tracker, trust, boundaries, and others.

As you would expect from Team Topologies, it includes practical exercises and guidance on how to apply these principles to your context.

What do you get?

36 lesson videos and 3 exercise videos.

Total runtime is 3hr, 8min.

Approximate time to complete the course is one week, but it’s self-paced so you can spread it out in any way that suits you. 

Chapters include:

  • Remote Team Interactions

  • Team Dependencies

  • Setting Team Boundaries

  • Purposeful Interactions

  • Next Steps

  • Closing (summary)

The outcomes of this course are: 

  • Enrich your understanding of your organization’s workflow and root out its inefficiencies. 

  • Identify how to create a better working environment that gets the best out of your teams within a humane approach that people want to work in. 

  • Tools to improve interactions between teams. 

Why is this important now? 

In any organization, you can get to a point where a structure that used to work no longer does. This can be due to organization growth, expansion of products (both in size and number), technology change, or external environment changes. 

Add hybrid or remote working to this, and the triggers for change could be greater than ever.

Team Topologies authors Matthew Skelton and Manual Pais refer to the need to limit the size of a software product to the cognitive load that the team can handle. To do this, you need focused, autonomous teams that take ownership of particular value streams. You also need the right shape of supporting teams and products, services, and platforms. 

What is an Immersion course?

An Immersion course is an on-demand self-paced learning experience from IT Revolution. Their aims include ‘to expand your mind, to improve your organization’s culture, and to help accelerate your future.’ They do this by providing ‘a deeper understanding of the theory while also providing the opportunity to apply and practice the latest skill sets.’

Our offer to you

We are currently offering 50% off the course price until 27 November 2023. A discount of this size will not be offered again, so, if you think the course is for you, we recommend signing up now.

Usually $150, you can get access to the course for $75 here:


Val Yonchev Joins Team Topologies Leading Go-to-Market as Head of Customer Success


Announcing Armakuni as the first Team Topologies Solution Partner worldwide