Telecom Sector Team Topologies Telecom Sector Team Topologies

Organization-wide business agility in telecoms with Team Topologies at Telenet

How the Belgian telecom provider Telenet applied Team Topologies at enterprise level to increase business agility

Telenet, a Belgian telecom provider, began implementing agile at scale in 2019, when the company implemented an agile way of working based on the Spotify model.

By 2022, three years into that journey, the company had embraced agile and the benefits it brought in terms of transparency, collaboration, and customer focus. The agile way of working had become part of the company’s DNA. However, structural friction in the way the company was organized inhibited true business agility.

To overcome this, inspired by Team Topologies thinking, the firm revamped and reinvigorated its entire operating model empowering teams and optimizing for fast flow,

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