Femtech industry Team Topologies Femtech industry Team Topologies

Team Topologies Guides Flo to Product Platforms for Growth

Flo Health is the world’s most popular app for female health, with 350 million downloads, 70 million active monthly users and close to 5 million paid subscribers globally. After achieving a market fit, Flo embraced the super-app strategy for growth.

In 2023, Flo added more than 10 million active monthly users. With growth, one of our main challenges was building holistic user journeys across domains. Delivering user value demands orchestration across multiple teams, which brings a lot of cognitive load due to the large number of team interactions.

We rethought our approach by introducing product platforms for personalization and explicit interaction strategy. Team Topologies helped shape our journey by providing a framework for structuring teams and optimizing their interactions.

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