TTA, EMEA Ana Ciobotaru TTA, EMEA Ana Ciobotaru

Anna Ciula - Team Topologies Advocate

With over 15 years of experience in software engineering, Anna brings her technical program management expertise to her role as a Product Delivery Coach at Stellafai. She is passionate about empowering product teams to deliver impactful solutions that leverage technology to drive positive change.

Anna fosters cross-functional collaboration throughout the entire product lifecycle, from strategy to execution. She blends Agile, Lean, DevOps, Team Topologies, and Design Thinking to achieve successful, product-oriented outcomes for customers.

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TTA, EMEA Team Topologies TTA, EMEA Team Topologies

Aleix Morgadas - Team Topologies Advocate

Aleix Morgadas found in Team Topologies the values and vocabulary to a help organizations to introduce change with teams and people at core. Since then, he has been an active practitioner and advocate in each organization and community he has been involved.

Aleix has been sharing his learnings on practical Team Topologies experiences on his personal blog as well on public talks.

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