Organizing business and technology team-of-teams organizations for fast flow: book | training | consulting


Team Topologies Advocate program

Ben Dodd - TTA

Photo of Ben Dodd

Ben Dodd - Team Topologies Advocate

Ben Dodd, Armakuni’s co-founder, is a thought leader in Cloud Native software development and digital transformation. A true change agent, Ben has a proven track record of leading both public and private organizations’ adoption of DevOps principles and culture, using his technical expertise at ground level to drive the change while also acting as a strategic advisor to the C-suite.

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Team Topologies advocacy

Ben is a keen advocate of Team Topologies and speaks regularly at all levels within organizations and as part of the public community.He is co-organiser of the Fast Flow Conf (, the first public event of its kind to focus on the approach and methodologies described in Team Topologies. The mission of Fast Flow Conf is to bring together practitioners, experts and enthusiastic beginners to share knowledge and ideas, as well as to grow the community. 

His talk as part of Fast Flow Conf 2023 with Billie Thompson, both brought a key topic of Team Topologies to life, and was just good fun :) - 

Ben spoke with Matthew Skelton (co-author of Team Topologies) on a webinar in 2022 ‘How organizations are meeting the productivity challenge by applying Team Topologies’  

He has also spoken on stage with clients, advocating for Team Topologies with high impact, real world case studies, such as this talk at SEACON Global: 

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