Team Topologies Guided Workshop - Blockers to Fast Flow - P89
Uncover existing blockers to flow and understand how to start aligning your organization for better flow. Workshop attendees will be guided through a series of discovery sessions to reveal whether your organization is optimized for fast flow, and highlights ways in which you could reorganize to achieve it.
Team Topologies Guided Workshop - Define and evolve a Platform - P803
The purpose of this guided workshop is to help you to define and evolve an internal platform. It will help you to understand the current capabilities and services, then map these onto actual user needs, exploring some improved service boundaries based on domain and product heuristics. Workshop attendees will then be guided through the implications of “platform-as-a-product” and the changes in capabilities and skills needed for success.
Team Topologies Applied - Advanced Immersion Sessions - P810
Team Topologies Applied is an advanced learning and preparation experience through deep immersion in Team Topologies ideas and practices led by one of the book authors.