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Optimize Your Product Organization with Team Topologies: A Leadership Roundtable

  • ONLINE ( Timezone EST, New York/Montreal/Nassau) (map)

Please join Agile Rising and Team Topologies for a 90-minute Leadership Roundtable discussion of Team Topologies for product-driven organizations.

Moderated by Agile Rising, the Roundtable will begin with a presentation covering the common challenges that we see in product-driven organizations and how the application of the proper Team Topologies to organizational design can eliminate barriers to delivery and improve flow and delivery outcomes.

Following the presentation the audience is invited to participate in a facilitated discussion around challenges that they are experiencing in their organizations and insights around how Team Topologies can help. 

Special Guest

Matthew Skelton, CEO at Conflux / Co-author of Team Topologies

Roundtable Agenda

  • Introductions 10 minutes

  • Presentation 40 minutes

  • Group Discussion 35 minutes

  • Wrapup and Next steps 5 minutes

Note: The Roundtable event will NOT be recorded.


14 February

Stream of Teams, Episode 5 | Scaling Private Equity Portfolios with Team Topologies: Strategies for Growth

24 February

Team Interaction Modelling Workshop