Blog Ana Ciobotaru Blog Ana Ciobotaru

The most important part of Team Topologies is also the one most people overlook

People should look at Team Topologies as a way of thinking or a pattern language. Team Topologies aims to help leaders design for a fast flow of value. It allows you to design a team-of-teams organization, which, combined with a relevant decoupled architecture of products and the appropriate processes (think Continuous Delivery as one example), allows even big organizations to achieve fast flow of value. Unlike organizational charts, the resulting diagrams are just a starting point and must continuously evolve as the organization grows and changes along with the environment in which it operates. This is why we often tell people to consider Team Topologies more like Design Thinking, i.e., an iterative and continuous process that helps you understand complex challenges and find optimal solutions.

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Blog Ana Ciobotaru Blog Ana Ciobotaru

Achieving Business Agility Through Kanban and Team Topologies

This article explores the synergy between the Kanban method and Team Topologies to enhance work processes in knowledge work organizations. By making policies explicit, both methodologies facilitate clearer team interactions and improved workflow management. Discover how integrating these approaches can lead to evolutionary change and greater business agility.

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Blog Val Yonchev Blog Val Yonchev

Adopting an Intentional Strategy for Managing Team Cognitive Load

I (João Rosa) recently created an online cohort-based course, Effectively Manage Team Cognitive Load. Since the release of Team Topologies book, I have adopted its language and principles in my consultancy practice, supporting organizations in their digital transformation journey. I’ve noticed in the field that more people are aware of the effects of unmanaged Team Cognitive Load in their teams and organizations, using the concept presented in the Team Topologies book to drive changes in their organizations.

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News Team Topologies News Team Topologies

Val Yonchev Joins Team Topologies Leading Go-to-Market as Head of Customer Success

We are happy to announce the appointment of Val Yonchev as the Head of Customer Success, a strategic move to strengthen our commitment to enhancing digital operations worldwide. With a focus on design for fast flow, Team Topologies aim to meet the increasing demand for streamlined team-of-teams approaches. Val’s extensive experience, particularly from his roles at Red Hat Open Innovation Labs and Digital.AI, positions him as a key driver in scaling Team Topologies’ efforts and nurturing strong partnerships with practitioners, solution partners, and training partners. Matthew Skelton, co-author and co-CEO at Team Topologies, expressed excitement about Yonchev’s appointment, emphasizing his suitability for leading customer and partner success initiatives.

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