News Manuel Pais News Manuel Pais

Team Topologies book signing tour - when and where

Matthew and Manuel will be presenting and signing their book at several events until end of 2019: DevOps Summit in Amsterdam, DOES US in Las Vegas, SQS-Tag in Frankfurt, Jenkins World in Lisbon, and Seacon in London.

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News Team Topologies News Team Topologies

Team Topologies book published - paperback, ebook, audiobook

We’re thrilled to announce that the book Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow by Matthew Skelton and Manuel pais has been published by IT Revolution Press and is now available in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook from stores around the world.

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Blog, News Matthew Skelton Blog, News Matthew Skelton

Why we wrote the Team Topologies book

The book Team Topologies has been 5 or 6 years in the making. How did we (Manuel and I) come to write to book and why?

In our travels around the world helping organizations with software delivery practices, we noticed that organizations needed guidance on how to evolve team interactions. We also saw that in many organizations the boundaries between teams are very unclear: people were asking “why are we spending so much time working with that other team?” or “why is this service so difficult to use?” - very often there was little clarity about the purpose and duration of team-to-team interactions.

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