Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow: book | training | consulting

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Working with Gene Kim's IT Revolution Press

Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais - co-authors of the book Team Topologies - discuss what it was like to work with the publisher IT Revolution Press and the cover design of their book.


Matthew Skelton:

It has been really great, hasn't it, to work with IT Revolution Press as the publisher of the book. Huge expertise in IT and great senior editors and also great to be part of a family of books in this field which have been really influential in the last few years, starting with  “The Phoenix Project” by Gene Kim and colleagues, more recently books like “DevOps Handbook” and “Accelerate” - Nicole Forsgren & colleagues who wrote that - it has been hugely influential. It's great to be part of that family, isn't it?

Manuel Pais:

Yes, also “DevOps for the Modern Enterprise” - it was very interesting. It was also a sign of recognition that we are bringing some new material with our book. It felt really good to become part of the IT Revolution family of books and it's been a true learning experience to write the book and understand how you actually get from having ideas to write something until it's actually a physical thing that exists in the real world.

Matthew Skelton:

What's nice as well - the book cover that the IT Revolution put together - it kind of captures some of the ideas. We've got kind of very close collaboration between two teams, we've got kind of a platform going on there, a bit of collaboration with a stream-aligned team but then as a separate team, that's kind of more like a component team - just providing a service. It's quite nice that they've managed to capture some of these different sort of interactions that we talk about in the book, isn't it?

Team Topologies