Rich Allen - TTVP

Rich Allen

Rich Allen

Rich Allen has been developing software and helping organisations implement lean and agile ways of working for over two decades. Specializing in the application of Continuous Improvement practices he helps businesses to uncover bottlenecks, highlight opportunities to optimise for flow and introduce ways of encouraging feedback in a culture of continuous learning. Rich is also co-founder of the Developer South Coast technology user group in the UK which has been helping developers discover and learn about new technologies for over thirteen years.


Contribution as Team Topologies Valued Practitioner (TTVP)

Rich was involved in one of the first implementations of Team Topologies at PureGym shortly after the book launch in 2019. Since then Rich has been working closely with Matthew and Manuel to further develop additional materials such as the Team Shape Templates, Infographics and Frequently Asked Questions. Rich has also helped to develop and deliver the Team Topologies Guided Workshop - Blockers to Fast Flow (P89) and the Team Topologies Guided Workshop - Define and evolve a Platform (P803).


Susanne Kaiser - TTVP


Nick Tune - TTVP