Manuel Pais - TTVP and Author

Manuel Pais

Manuel Pais

Manuel Pais is co-author of Team Topologies: organizing business and technology teams for fast flow. Recognized by TechBeacon as a DevOps thought leader, Manuel is an independent IT organizational consultant and trainer, focused on team interactions, delivery practices and accelerating flow. Manuel is also a LinkedIn instructor on Continuous Delivery.


Contribution as Team Topologies Valued Practitioner (TTVP)

Manuel is a Team Topologies Valued Practitioner (TTVP) due to co-authoring the Team Topologies book and his work on applying Team Topologies to security, DevOps, software architecture, and related areas, plus his work on expanding the use Team Topologies outside of IT.


Nick Tune - TTVP


Matthew Skelton - TTVP and Author