Team Topologies Team Topologies

Mini-book: Finding software boundaries for fast flow - Team Topologies and Domain-Driven Design

Team Topologies provides a fresh combination of principles and practices that help evolve organizations towards effective collaboration, autonomy, delivery focus and product alignment ultimately enabling a faster flow of change.

In this mini-book

  • Building Adaptive Systems for a Fast Flow of Change - Susanne Kaiser

  • About Team Topologies and Context Mapping - Alberto Brandolini

  • Exploring Team and Service Relationships with Team Topologies and Context Maps - Michael Plöd

  • Architecting Your Business with Domain-Driven Design and Team Topologies - Nick Tune

  • Finding Good Stream Boundaries with Independent Service Heuristics and User Needs Mapping - Rich Allen and Matthew Skelton

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Team Topologies Team Topologies

Mini-book: Organization Dynamics with Team Topologies

This mini-book contains 6 articles by the authors of Team Topologies - Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais - that cover key aspects of modern organization dynamics.

In this mini-book

  • How to break apart a monolith without destroying your team

  • Forget monoliths vs. microservices. Cognitive load is what matters

  • Why teams fail with Kubernetes — and what to do about it

  • How to find the right DevOps tools for your team

  • Why you should hire DevOps enablers, not experts

  • Are poor team interactions killing your DevOps transformation?

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