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Accelerating value with transparent flow-based organizations

Team Topologies for business leaders

Join us for an interactive webinar exploring the evolution of organizational design, with insights from Matthew Skelton – co-author of the groundbreaking book 'Team Topologies'.

In this webinar, we'll delve into the continuing evolution of the Team Topologies approach, the renewed focus on designing work with the fast flow of customer value at the core, and how it works alongside Thoughtworks' tools like the Simplified Operating Model and value-driven portfolio management. Drawing on data from fieldwork in Australia and additional research, we'll also discuss upcoming trends for leaders addressing scaled organizational challenges.

Come ready to share your challenges and opportunities!


Nigel Dalton, Social Scientist at Thoughtworks

Matthew Skelton, Co-author of Team Topologies and CEO at Conflux

Leigh Saffin, Consultant at Thoughtworks

The award-winning book Team Topologies gave leaders the ability to unravel organizational complexity and ambiguity, and set the stage for growth in the 2020s. It has been rated one of the 'Best product management books of all time' by Book Authority and is widely used globally for transforming organizational delivery of value.

Much has been learned in the five years since the book was launched by Matthew Skelton and Manual Pais, including how work functioned in the context of a global pandemic and the shift to remote teams.

A new corporate vocabulary has emerged, featuring terms like stream-aligned teams, platform groups, cognitive load constraints, and healthy, adaptive organizations, whose evolution resembles gardening more than bricklaying.

Thoughtworks has extensive experience in operating model uplift and organizational design, blending technology, data, product, and organisational disciplines. Team Topologies is frequently cited by us and our clients as a practical and applicable framework for their aspirational 'future organization'.

16 May

Five years of Team Topologies: Reflections and predictions for the future

4 June

Moving beyond cross functional teams to Team Topologies to enable flow