Team Topologies

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Why we are leaving Twitter - Team Topologies

Summary: we are leaving Twitter because Elon Musk is encouraging hate and division. See you on LinkedIn and Mastodon!

In the six years since we created our Twitter account @TeamTopologies we have grown the following to over 7200 followers and enjoyed some insightful discussions. It has until recently been a source of inspiration and community; thank you to everyone for the chat! 

However, with the takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk, we no longer wish to be part of what is becoming a toxic and damaging place. In particular, Elno’s support for right-wing politics and hate speech is utterly repellant. We know that leaving Twitter has a business cost for us but human decency is more important. 

With immediate effect, we are therefore freezing our Twitter account and moving our social media posts to LinkedIn and (soon) Mastodon. 

We will not be responding to messages or notifications on Twitter. 

Thank you to everyone who has engaged in genuine, meaningful discussions over the years. We look forward to further discussions on LInkedIn and Mastodon!

Matthew Skelton, Manuel Pais, and the Team Topologies core team.